KNPC ... upgrading refineries

Name of client: KNPC – Kuwait National Petro   leum Company
Budget: $13 billion
Facility type: Refinery
Sector: Refining
Status: Construction
Location: Various
Feed: Fluor Corporation
PMC: Foster Wheeler
Main contractor: JGC Corp, GS Engineering &    Construction, SK Engineering & Construction, Chicago Bridge & Iron Company (CB&I), Samsung Engineering Co, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Fluor Corporation, Petrofac and Daewoo Engineering and Construction

The Kuwait National Petroleum Company’s aim is to upgrade and increase capacity at Mina Al-Ahmadi and Mina Abdullah refineries. Upon completion of the Clean Fuels Project refining capacity will go up to 400,000 barrels a day at each refinery. Work has been split into 3 phases with both refineries getting upgrades to production capabilities and more state of the art utilities.

Project Status
January 2016: Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) is planning to attain a $10 billion loan to aid in the finance the Clean Fuels Project.
November 2015: KNPC CEO announces that the overall progress of the Clean Fuels Project is currently at 37 per cent.

Project scope
The project is to be built in three phases involving umpteen number of process units.

Project finance
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Export-Import Bank of Korea for a $5 billion financing deal on its oil projects, particularly funding the Clean Fuels packages. Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) to attain $10 billion loan to aid in the finance the Clean Fuels Project.

Project schedule
Feasibility Study  Q1-2012
EPC ITB   Q1-2013
Engineering & Procurement Q1-2014
Construction  Q3-2015
Completion  Q2-2018