Pearl GTL ... work on new phases of the project in progress

Name of client : Qatar Shell GTL

Budget : $20 billion

Facility type : Natural Gas Liquefaction (NGL)

Sector : Gas

Status : Construction

Location : Qatar

PMC : WorleyParsons

Main contractor : Qatar Kentz


Located in Ras Laffan Industrial City, Pearl GTL is the world’s largest source of GTL products, capable of producing 140,000 barrels a day (bpd) of GTL products. The new phase of the project will allow Qatar Shell to continue to enhance local development.


Project status

December 2016: WorleyParsons Qatar is currently working with their team based in India for the Pearl GTL project. The recently-awarded EPCM contract to WorleyParsons is for five years.


Project scope

Offshore scope:

• Twenty-two development wells

• Two unmanned wellhead platforms in about 30 metres of water

• Two 30-inch pipelines running about 60 km to shore

Onshore scope facilities:

• Gas-processing facilities treat the sour, rich wellhead gas to remove contaminants such as metals and sulphur and further extract natural gas liquids

• Ethane for petrochemical processes

• Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for domestic heating and cooking

• Condensates as a feedstock for refineries


Project finance

Qatar Shell is the client


Project schedule

Engineering & Procurement Q4-2014

Construction Q2-2015

Completion Q3-2019