Weir Oil & Gas, a leading upstream provider of systematised pressure pumping and pressure control equipment and services, has said its new offline cementing solution generates substantial reductions of nonproductive time (NPT) and operating costs.
As multi-well pad drilling becomes increasingly common across North American basins, E&P companies seek to improve the overall economics of their drilling operations. NPT is common in multi-pad drilling as crews wait on one another to complete each operation. Weir’s Offline Cementing Solution gives operators back valuable drilling time as it removes cementing from the critical path.
Weir’s Offline Cementing Solution incorporates Weir’s Quick Connect (WQC) for a tool-free setup in eight minutes. BOP configuration adjustments are unnecessary, and testing isolation in the backside of the well is possible for greater security and well integrity. Field crews can be managed with pinpoint accuracy to reduce costs. Operators using Weir’s Offline Cementing Solution in the field have saved as much as 11 hours of NPT and $38,000 per well.
“Multi-pad operations create efficiencies but also complexities in the field,” said Andrea “Andi” Simon, President, Weir Pressure Control North America. “By looking beyond step changes to legacy technologies we are evaluating how to make the entire drilling operation more efficient; we engineered our Offline Cementing Solution to dramatically reduce NPT and capital expenditures, allowing operators to substantially increase drilling time while lowering costs.”
Weir’s Offline Cementing Solution is supported by Weir Edge Services, Weir’s global service offering from expertly trained engineers and field technicians. With service and training centers in every US basin and every part of the globe, Weir Edge Services supports operators with global access to local engineering experts, highly skilled field support and 24/7 maintenance. --Tradearabia News Service