Biggest containers …an engineering feat

SURETANK, the world’s leading provider of engineered solutions to the offshore oil and gas industry, has manufactured Brazil’s largest offshore container for leading trading company CISA Trading S/A.

Commissioned by Brazilian energy giant, Petrobas, the units were manufactured at Suretank Latin Americaís state of the art facilities in Caxias do Sul.

Following extensive discussions with the customer, two separate sizes were produced with six units measuring in at 4.3m x 4.3m x 4.5m and 11 units at 4.3m x 4.3m x 3.5m, and all certified to DNV 2.7.3.

Marco Pfeifer, CEO of Suretank Latin America, said: “Offshore cargo carrying units of this scale have never been manufactured in Brazil before and it is fitting that we at Suretank have pioneered the approach and succeeded in this engineering feat. We work closely with CISA¥s engineers to help develop solutions that suit their specific requirements and this has been one of the most stimulating and exciting projects in the history of Suretank Latin America.