Mubadala Energy, the Abu Dhabi-based international energy company, made substantial strides towards ESG goals in 2022. As a result of sharpening its focus on gas as a low-carbon fuel source, the company claimed a decline in Scope 1 GHG emissions and overall energy intensity.
Although 2022 saw unprecedented disruptions in the global energy industry, Mubadala Energy’s focus on embedding sustainability across its business resulted in its enhanced performance across several of its material Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) indicators, according to Mubadala Energy’s 2022 Sustainability Report.
The latest report covers key ESG priorities with notable enhancements on Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions and energy intensity performance indicators.
On environmental benchmarks, the company reported a 41 per cent decrease in Scope 1 GHG emissions intensity between 2021 and 2022, coupled with a 20 per cent decrease in its overall energy intensity, resulting mainly from the expansion of the company’s gas-focus as a lower carbon fuel source.
In 2022 the company also hit production milestone of 500,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) production, of which almost 70 per cent is natural gas.
On social measures, Mubadala Energy maintains its world-class track record on safety performance, with a total of 6 safety-related awards being received in 2022 from regulatory and governmental bodies in areas of operations.
The company also recorded zero Lost Time Injuries (LTI) in 2022, with a history of zero LTIs in its operated Ruby gas field in Indonesia since operations started in 2013, testament to an impressive safety record.
In terms of diversity metrics, the company maintains above-industry performance on female participation, with around 31 per cent of the total workforce represented by women.