BAHRAIN-BASED Tatweer Petroleum says its drilling fluids laboratory has achieved the ISO 9001:2008 certification in recognition for quality management.
Tatweer is a joint venture between National Oil and Gas Authority Holding (nogaholding), Occidental Petroleum Corporation and Mubadala Development Company.
The three-year certificate, audited and awarded by Det Norske Veritas, is a first for Tatweer Petroleum and a proof of its quality management principles. It defines the criteria for implementing a proven system.
The certification provides quality assurance and quality control standards in regards to the drilling fluids and brines used in drilling and workover operations.
These principles will result in efficiency of the organisation coupled with consistent job performance and an alignment of improvement activities.
Tatweer top management congratulated two of the company’s employees, laboratory technician Ali Hamza and senior specialist for drilling Geert Pieterson for their initiative and efforts in obtaining the certification.
“We are pleased to obtain this certification and Tatweer will benefit from improving consistency and the level of service quality for delivery of drilling fluids to the rigs,” remarks Tatweer chief executive Ed Hanley.
“This will enhance on time delivery of ‘spec mud’ and ‘spec chemicals’, reduce chemical usage and re-cycling efforts and that will increase efficiency and reduce the costs,” adds Hanley.
The main benefit of obtaining such certification is to streamline laboratory practices for increased efficiency, reduce waste and costs.
The aim of the process is to maintain sustainable practices and contribute to better employee morale.
Meanwhile, a group of 12 Tatweer Petroleum employees have successfully completed the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Programme with a final presentation at the Bapco Club in Awali.
The presentation was attended by Tatweer Petroleum deputy CEO Hisham Zubari, ILM Programme instructor Neil Porter and officials of Tatweer Petroleum and ILM.
The programme is a qualification specially designed to give practicing team leaders a solid foundation in their formal development as a leader.
“We always strive to nurture our employees’ expertise,” says Zubari. “The programme helps create our company’s future leaders and I am delighted with the performance of the group,” he says.
In another development, 40 fresh graduates from the National Institute for Industrial Training (NIIT) were briefed on best practices to increase productivity by the senior management of Tatweer Petroleum.
The delegation, headed by Zubari, visited the NIIT in Hidd. “Our visit is to meet our trainees, discuss with them their requirements, and encourage them to be an example for other trainees and good future employees,” he says.
An agreement was earlier signed to train 60 Bahraini job-seekers – 40 in oil and gas production and 20 in electrical, mechanical and instrumentation specialisations.
The two groups will be recruited at Tatweer Petroleum after finishing their training and undergo an on-the-job training for another 18 months.
The plan for 2014 is to hire around 100 new employees in various professional and skilled jobs. Tatweer’s operation is now more focused on evaluating pilots and so expertise in this field of reservoir and production engineering are required.