Intertek ... delivering real value to oil and gas companies

FOR decades, companies in the oil and gas industries have depended on Intertek to help them maintain and protect the operational integrity of their facilities and assets.

Intertek understands oil and gas customers’ needs for the effective planning and execution of turnarounds and shutdowns, and the necessity to implement asset integrity management  (AIM) programmes for not only commercial profitability, but also for personnel, public and environmental safety.

Hussain Al Atrakchi, regional managing director for the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan, says: “There are many ageing assets in the region that present major integrity management issues. The unparalleled quality of Intertek’s skills and services can deliver real value and benefit for oil and gas companies facing these challenges.”

So whether you operate upstream, mid-stream or downstream, Intertek’s world class services in asset integrity management, non-destructive testing and risk-based investigation can help you maintain product levels, reduce loss of revenue and deliver a competitive advantage.

“We have worked with most of the major oil and gas suppliers in the Middle East and supplied teams of highly experienced American Petroleum Institute (API) inspectors for turnarounds and shutdowns,” he adds.

The Intertek AIM programme is a strategic management system consisting of specialised expertise, resources, methodologies and tools to manage the integrity of infrastructure, facilities and equipment. Its AIM activities can help:

• Maximise equipment reliability, availability and maintainability;

• Aid maintenance planning and optimise inspection costs;

• Increase efficiency of asset management which impacts the bottom line; and

• Enhance plant operations, performance and increase profit.

AIM is a key strategy to help you avoid unplanned shutdowns that can cost loss of production and revenue.

Among Intertek’s AIM solutions are non-destructive testing (NDT) and risk-based inspection (RBI). NDT encompasses a wide group of analysis techniques that do not permanently alter or damage the item being assessed, the company says.

NDT techniques help assure safety and reliability through detection of any defects in products or industrial components and are widely used in oil and gas construction/production facilities. Intertek’s NDT techniques include conventional and advanced methods such as radiography, ultrasonic, magnetic particle and phased array ultrasonic testing.

“In addition, we work with customers to implement risk-based investigations, an approach that minimises downtime and ensures equipment longevity. Our services can also support through all phases of pre-turnaround, turnaround and post-turnaround. Our turnkey solutions for turnaround planning and execution include:

• Pre-planning;

• Scope definition;

• Engineering support;

• Laser scanning; and

• Technical inspection services.

“By partnering with Intertek, we can help companies achieve their goals for asset integrity, safety and performance. Discover the difference our experience, knowledge and innovations can make,” Al Atrakchi adds.