Agora Industry is launching a think tank website to provide science-based and politically feasible strategies for transitioning to a climate-neutral industry.

 “The innovations that have taken place in recent years show that the industrial sector can rapidly reduce even those emissions that were once considered hard to abate," says Frank Peter, Director of Agora Industry. "With the right framework and investments, we can achieve the transition to a climate-neutral industry by mid-century. In doing so, the sector will play a central role in meeting the 1.5 deg C target."

With experts in Berlin, Brussels and Beijing, the think tank is developing science-based strategies that can be implemented at the political and technological level to drive forward the transformation of industry worldwide.

These include analyses and policies on the potential of a thoroughly circular economy for steel, cement and plastics; on the various import options for hydrogen to Germany; on the opportunities of electrification and recycling in the chemical industry, and on the management of carbon flows across Europe.

The reports and policy papers are prepared in close consultation with relevant stakeholders from politics, business, science, and civil society.

The team can also draw on the expertise of the other Agora Think Tanks – Energiewende, Agriculture and Verkehrswende – to ensure a cross-sectoral perspective.

In addition, Agora Industry works closely with partners worldwide, including through the INETTT network of energy and climate think tanks.

"International cooperation plays a key role when it comes to fully exploiting the potential for climate protection – especially on issues of global trade, the definition of sustainability criteria for basic materials such as steel, concrete and hydrogen, as well as the establishment of lead markets for green products."

The new website also showcases interactive tools developed by the team to visualise the transformation of specific industry sectors, such as steel decarbonisation, in an up-to-date way.

The think tank's work across the core topics of the transformation is now available on a new website and social media channels.