SkyeGo mobile hardbanding equipment

After securing Aramco’s approval of Duraband NC hardbanding in 2019, the company focused on making both the product and its technical support easily accessible in-country, Colin Duff, Global Director of Hardbanding Solutions by Postle Industries, tells OGN

An agreement between US-based Postle Industries and Acceleration Company ‘Accell’ based in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, last summer is designed to provide the drilling industry in the Kingdom with cost-effective and reliable drill string protection, backed up with local technical support.

"After securing Saudi Aramco’s approval of our Duraband NC hardbanding in 2019, we focused on making both the product and our technical support easily accessible in-country," says Colin Duff, Global Director of Hardbanding Solutions by Postle Industries.

"We had previously worked with some individuals at Accell, so we knew them well. With their familiarity of our technology coupled with local knowledge it was an obvious choice," he adds.

When utilised and managed properly, hardbanding can protect drill string tool joints from wear indefinitely.

Products like Duraband NC are also essential in reducing damage caused to casing when tool joints make contact with it during drilling operations.

Training in-country is key to successful drill pipe protection

It’s a technology that can save significant sums on drill pipe costs by ensuring they are in service longer.

However, failures in the application of hardbanding are still too common. Using the wrong hardbanding material or neglecting to follow correct welding procedures can result in the need for costly repairs.

A local presence in Khobar means that the numerous service companies in Saudi Arabia that are licensed to apply Duraband have immediate access to technical support from the manufacturer, reducing the likelihood of failure.

Similarly, local drill pipe owners and oil and gas operators also have the opportunity to consult on drill pipe repairs and casing protection to get the most up to date and accurate advice for their particular needs.

Hardbanding Solutions offer a series of technical presentations offered in-person or through video conferencing, free of charge.

Another advantage of the new partnership is that Duraband is now stocked in Saudi Arabia at a competitive price. This means the industry can rely on fast delivery and cost-effective protection.

Duraband NC hardbanding applied to a Pin Tool Joint

The product can be reapplied directly over itself and many other brands when worn, a process approved to NS-1 standard. This further reduces costs with straight forward reapplication without the need for costly removal and repair.

As well as the hardbanding material, the companies have also worked together to introduce SkyeGo mobile hardbanding equipment to Saudi Arabia to ensure consistent and quality application.

There are currently two units owned by local service companies in operation.

These machines can be shipped wherever they are needed. They are fully contained and run from their own power supply, another development which is transforming drill pipe repair in the country.

This exciting new collaboration will have a long and positive effect on the drilling industry in Saudi Arabia.

Hardbanding Solutions will be exhibiting at Stand 7410, Hall 7, at Adipec 2021.