ASRY Offshore Services (AOS) division was initially created through a strategic initiative to bring the region-leading yard’s reputed global standards to the rig repair segment. However, it has now spearheaded the broadening of Asry’s once ship-specific operation into a wider maritime industry repair complex.
Last year, for example, saw a total of 14 jack-up rigs repaired, accounting for 40 per cent of the yard’s overall sales. This significant contribution to revenue is vindication of the diversification strategy undertaken, and has triggered further optimism for Asry’s future as a multi-service yard.
AOS’s prominence has resulted in greater investment in its operation, including an extension to its premises to reflect its importance in the yard’s future. This extension began in 2011, and has seen new office space and facilities for both AOS staff and rig operators completed this year.
Another signal of AOS’s burgeoning significance in the offshore industry was a joint venture with Bahrain’s Gulf Agency Co (GAC) for a new offshore base within the shipyard that was initiated in 2011. This base was used by three offshore support vessels (OSVs) that were supporting an Occidental/PTTEP rig drilling in Bahraini waters. Such partnerships are an optimistic support for AOS reputation and potential.
In the region, oil and gas related business is set to account for a rapidly increasing percentage of the offshore sector in the coming years. Upgrades and refurbishments of jack-up rigs and specialist offshore craft have been identified as a key growth area, and the strategy is to position AOS as a multi-function offshore partner, unhindered by the limitations of working purely onshore. Fabrication and repair services will be optimised to take place wherever a client requires, which often includes ‘in-field repairs’.
In recent years, Asry has entered a new phase of its development with the progressive expansion and enlargement of its infrastructure and facilities helping strengthen its performance and service capabilities. This expansion is vital for the ship repair and maintenance activities at the yard and fundamental to the long-term development strategy for AOS.
Asry’s new large offshore fabrication area and heavy load-out quay have been specifically developed to enable AOS to penetrate the offshore fabrication and new construction market and is perfect for the fabrication of flare towers, jackets and topside modules. The area will also be equipped with general facilities such as workshops, secure warehousing and offices.
To meet the growing jack-up rig business and AOS’s expansion into other areas of the oil and gas market, the year under review also saw AOS develop its in-house team of specialists, especially engineers, bringing in additional specialist expertise and building up on the existing core team of staff. The year saw AOS particularly focused on further developing its engineering capabilities to ensure the business is able to deliver a total service required by AOS clients, especially with the requirements for demanding engineering packages from customers.
After three years, AOS is now regionally considered the first choice in offshore technical capabilities, with proficiencies in steel fabrication, pipe repairs and production, engineering and machining, instrumentation engineering, blasting, and painting. Its client roster includes Hercules Offshore, Saudi Aramco, Arabian Drilling Company, ENSCO, Saipem and more industry leaders who exemplify the type of target customer that AOS’s skill set was specifically developed for – firms that require a broad spectrum of services from experienced experts at safeguarding and optimising maritime assets.