Senior officials of Pasqal and Aramco at the signing ceremony in Dhahran

In a bold move to cement its position at the forefront of technological innovation, Aramco has embarked on a series of strategic investments in cutting-edge technologies, including quantum computing and advanced research and development initiatives. Partnering with Pasqal, a global leader in neutral atom quantum computing, Aramco is set to deploy the first quantum computer in Saudi Arabia by 2025.

This 200-qubit quantum computer will not only enhance computational capabilities but also pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in the energy sector.

By leveraging quantum computing, Aramco aims to tackle complex challenges, optimise operations, and drive sustainable growth.

Quantum computing can be used to address a wide range of upstream, midstream and downstream challenges in the oil and gas industry including network optimisation and management, reaction network generation and refinery linear programming. The collaboration will explore potential applications for quantum computing and artificial intelligence in these areas as well.

Ahmad Al-Khowaiter, Aramco EVP of Technology and Innovation, said: "Aramco is delighted to partner with Pasqal to bring cutting-edge, high-performance quantum computing capabilities to the kingdom. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, we believe it is crucial to seize opportunities presented by new, impactful technologies and we aim to pioneer the use of quantum computing in the energy sector. Our agreement with Pasqal allows us to harness the expertise of a leading player in this field, as we continue to build state-of-the-art solutions into our business. It is also further evidence of our contribution to the growth of the digital economy in Saudi Arabia."

Georges-Olivier Reymond, Pasqal CEO and Co-founder, said: "The era of quantum computing is here. No longer confined to theory, it's transitioning to real-world applications, empowering organisations to solve previously intractable problems at scale. Since launching Pasqal in 2019, we have directed our efforts towards concrete quantum computing algorithms immediately applicable to customer use cases. Through this agreement, we'll be at the forefront of accelerating commercial adoption of this transformative technology in Saudi Arabia. This isn't just any quantum computer; it will be the most powerful tool deployed for industrial usages, unlocking a new era of innovation for businesses and society."

The quantum computer will initially use an approach called "analog mode." Within the following year, the system will be upgraded to a more advanced hybrid "analog-digital mode," which is more powerful and able to solve even more complex problems.

Pasqal and Aramco intend to leverage the quantum computer to identify new use cases, and have an ambitious vision to establish a powerhouse for quantum research within Saudi Arabia. This would involve leading academic institutions with the aim of fostering breakthroughs in quantum algorithm development – a crucial step for unlocking the true potential of quantum computing.

The agreement also accelerates Pasqal's activity in Saudi Arabia, having established an office in the Kingdom in 2023, and follows the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the companies in 2022 to collaborate on quantum computing capabilities and applications in the energy sector. In 2023, Aramco's Wa'ed Ventures also participated in Pasqal's Series B fundraising round.

For its part, Aramco is focused on pioneering the use of quantum computing in the energy sector, positioning itself as an early beneficiary of quantum advantage over classical computers.

Pasqal builds quantum computers from ordered neutral atoms in 2D and 3D arrays with the goal of bringing a practical quantum advantage to its customers in addressing real-world problems, especially in quantum simulation and optimization. Pasqal was founded in 2019 by Georges-Olivier Reymond, Christophe Jurczak, Professor Dr Alain Aspect, Dr Antoine Browaeys and Dr. Thierry Lahaye. Based in Palaiseau and Massy, south of Paris, Pasqal has secured more than €40 million in financing combining equity and non-dilutive funding from Quantonation, the Defense Innovation Fund, Runa Capital, BPI France, ENI and Daphni.

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