Faisal Alzahrani ... technology focus

The company is accelerating Saudi Aramco’s 2060 net-zero goals with the latest Fueltrax technology, enhancing emissions reduction, fuel efficiency, and local talent development, Faisal Alzahrani tells OGN

As Saudi Arabia aggressively pursues its 2060 digitalisation and net-zero emissions goals, IMS stands at the forefront of technological innovation in support of Saudi Aramco.

The company has identified Fueltrax as a crucial tool in this ambitious journey, leveraging its precision fuel metasurement system to significantly cut emissions and optimise fuel consumption across the marine fleet.

Fueltrax Mobile measurement unit

By integrating this cutting-edge technology, IMS not only provides valuable insights into fuel efficiency but also ensures a transparent, auditable record of fuel and emissions data, Faisal Alzahrani, Founder, Managing Director, IMS, tells OGN energy magazine.

The impact of IMS's efforts extends beyond technological advancements, as the company invests in local talent and sustainable practices within Saudi Arabia. By training and employing Saudi professionals, IMS is laying a strong foundation for ongoing fuel management excellence.

Below are excerpts from the interview:

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia set very aggressive goals to achieve full Digitalisation and Net-Zero emissions by 2060. How is IMS leading the way to help Saudi Aramco achieve these goals?

IMS searched for the best technology to support Saudi Aramco’s digitalisation and net-zero 2060 goals, which led us to Fueltrax.

IMS is investing in the Saudi workforce and promoting knowledge transfer

Utilising a precision fuel mesurement system is the first step in reducing emissions.

Installing Fueltrax on Saudi Armaco’s marine fleet provides a clear picture on current fuel consumption. It also provides critical insight into additional fuel savings opportunities.

Most importantly, all fuel consumption data for vessels installed with Fueltrax technology have an auditable record of fuel consumption and emissions data.

How does IMS ensure that the technology it employs meets the operational needs of Saudi Aramco?

I am not only focused on meeting Saudi Aramco’s needs of today. but I am equally focused on meeting their needs for the future.

Fueltrax invented and patented fuel management 20 years ago, and with that experience and wisdom comes an unmatched foresight and understanding of the carbon economy.

Working with international enviromental organisations, Fueltrax achieved IMO DCS and EU MRV automated emissions reporting certifications; the only fuel management technology to achieve this recognition.

This provides assurance for Saudi Aramco that its Fueltrax-provided emissions data meets any and all reguatory compliance, and will continue to do so long into the future.

Fueltrax ... a smart fuel management solution

FuelTrax technology is also aplicable for drilling, distrubution and terminal operation. It also can be used in port and airport operation.

Can you highlight additional ways that IMS’s efforts to incorporate fuel management technology are benefitting the Kingdom?

World-class fuel management requires not only the best technology, but the best oversight and support available.

This provides IMS the opportunity to train and hire in-Kingdom talent to provide installation service, troubleshooting support, and 24/7 remote overwatch for our clients.

IMS is using this opportunity to sponsor students at the Saudi National Maritime Academy so that we can help grow the next generation of mariners that will achieve the emissions reduction goals for the Kingdom.

You are clearly building a foundation of improving fuel management and reducing emissions for your cleints. What results have IMS achieved so far?

We began installing Fueltrax for Saudi Aramco’s marine fleet in 2021. In July 2023, we started a fleet-wide fuel management initiative with Saudi Aramco’s marine department.

Table 1 ... In-Kingdom marine fleet performance 2024

For the remainder of 2023, we helped Saudi Aramco save over 837,000 gallons of fuel and 8,600,000 kg of CO2; this was only from optimising vessel transits.

For 2024, we are on track to achieve 1,900,000 gallons of fuel saved (Table 1).

Full optimisation for Saudi Aramco’s marine fleet will result in 15,000,000 gallons of fuel saved, equating to 153,900 metric tonnes of CO2 and $40,868,000.

In terms of knowledge transfer and supporting Saudi talent, what has IMS done to support local content?

IMS is heavily investing in Saudi workforce and promoting knowledge transfer. Currently, we have four Saudi service engineers on the job and we are sponsoring two students at National Maritime Academy as the first ETO graduates from Saudi Arabia. We are committed to cultivating and sustaining a rich talent and to be future leaders.

What other services that IMS provided for the oil and gas and maritime sectors?

In addition to the scope of digitalisation, IMS provides inspection and classification, ship chandler and pest control, special engineers services and trading.

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