Qamar uz Zaman ... delivering innovative services

Innovar Solutions has boosted its regional presence with cutting-edge fishing and wellbore cleaning equipment, tackling industry challenges and supporting KSA’s Vision 2030 through local manufacturing and talent development, Qamar uz Zaman tells OGN

Innovar Solutions, an oil and gas equipment and services provider, has established a strong foothold in the Middle East's fishing and wellbore cleaning sector.

Leveraging practical field experience and cutting-edge 3D engineering capabilities, the company is dedicated to delivering innovative equipment and services that tackle the unique challenges of the region's fishing and wellbore cleaning services.

In an exclusive interview with OGN energy magazine, Qamar uz Zaman, Operations Manager at Innovar Solutions Middle East, discusses the company's role, adaptability, and future plans.

Qamar uz Zaman, 2nd from right, with members of his team

Can you give an overview of Innovar Solutions and its role in the fishing and wellbore cleaning industry, particularly in the Middle East market?

Innovar Solutions has been expanding very successfully in the Middle East market over the past five to six years. Our role in the wellbore and fishing market is substantial due to the quality and capabilities of our products. We offer market-leading fishing magnets and wellbore cleanup tools that are unparalleled in the industry. Our solutions stand out with no real competition in terms of quality and performance.

What specific challenges or opportunities does the company face in supplying equipment and services to the energy sector?

The primary challenge is ensuring the timely delivery of our solutions. In the fishing and wellbore cleaning business, tools must be available immediately when issues arise downhole. To address this, we are focused on expanding our presence and capabilities in each country within the region to ensure prompt, on-time delivery for our clients.

How has Innovar Solutions adapted its technology and offerings to meet the evolving needs of the Middle East market over the years?

We boast a robust in-house team with decades of collective experience. When clients encounter unique challenges that conventional tools cannot address, our team custom designs specialised solutions. This enables us to tackle complex downhole issues and recover stuck tools or 'fish' that would otherwise make a well unrecoverable. We are more than just a rental company we actively collaborate with clients to develop innovative, tailored solutions.

Innovation is in your company's name. Can you share some examples of recent innovations or technological advancements that Innovar Solutions has introduced?

Innovation is at the heart of who we are. With over 25 years of experience within our team, we continuously draw on our expertise to develop new and improved products. Each year, we introduce new tools and solutions to meet evolving client challenges. For example, we are set to launch new cable safety tools in 2024, with additional products scheduled for 2025 and 2026.

Can you describe a recent project or case study where Innovar Solutions played a crucial role in enhancing operational efficiency or resolving a complex issue for a client?

Recently, we faced an offshore situation where a well was at risk of abandonment due to a complex downhole 'fish'. Our R&D team utilised their expertise to provide a specialised solution. By collaborating closely with Aramco and our partner companies from the Big Four, we successfully recovered the stuck tool and salvaged the well. This highlights how our custom engineering capabilities and extensive industry expertise enable us to tackle the most challenging oilfield problems.

How does Innovar Solutions ensure its operations align with environmental sustainability goals?

Environmental sustainability is a core priority for us. We are ISO 18001 certified, reflecting our commitment to responsible waste management, chemical handling, and other environmentally-conscious practices. Upholding the highest standards of environmental stewardship is essential for our organisation.

What are some of the key trends you foresee shaping the future of the fishing and wellbore cleaning industry, and how is Innovar Solutions preparing for these changes?

The market, particularly in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East region, is expanding rapidly. We are keenly aware of these growth trends and are positioning ourselves accordingly. We are consolidating our capabilities and experiences to advance the development of our facilities, tools, and market presence. As the industry evolves, we are ensuring that we have the right solutions, partnerships, and infrastructure to stay ahead.

Collaboration and partnerships are often crucial in the offshore sector. Can you tell us about some of the key partnerships that Innovar Solutions has formed to enhance its service delivery or technological capabilities?

Our team’s extensive experience, including many members with 10-20 years in onshore and offshore operations, is critical for servicing major clients like Aramco. We have strategically aligned with key partners to ensure seamless delivery of comprehensive solutions. These partnerships help us meet the specific certifications and requirements for offshore work.

What are Innovar Solutions' growth strategies for the next 5-10 years, both in the Middle East region and globally?

Having successfully supplied the Middle East for over five years, we are ready to evolve into a full-service provider. We plan to expand our portfolio beyond magnets to include other essential wellbore cleaning tools. Our vision is to become the leading service provider in every country in the region, offering a complete package of wellbore cleaning and fishing services. This is a key strategic priority for us over the next 5-10 years.

Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 emphasises localisation and economic diversification. How does Innovar Solutions contribute to these objectives within the Saudi Arabian market?

We are deeply committed to the Saudi market and actively contribute to the localisation and diversification goals of Vision 2030. We manufacture and fabricate many of our spare parts locally within the Kingdom and refurbish and service our tools there as well. Additionally, we plan to produce new specialised tools for upcoming projects with Aramco, further supporting local manufacturing efforts.

In terms of talent development, we focus on training and upskilling local Saudi personnel for higher-level positions within our organisation. We aim for a high percentage of Saudi nationals actively contributing to our operations. We align fully with the localisation objectives of Vision 2030 and will continue to enhance our efforts.

We have a structured plan for our new technicians, drawing from local graduates and training them through on-the-job and third-party courses. Within a year, we prepare them to be fully capable engineers who can independently perform their duties in critical areas.

By Mazhar Siddiqui & ZAINAB AL TAITOON

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