Anas Babu ... advancing latest technologies

SINSINA Holding is advancing new technologies, establishing strategic partnerships, and enhancing manufacturing capabilities and sustainability. The company is focusing on modular solutions and local content initiatives to bolster its international market presence, Anas Babu tells OGN

As the industrial landscape evolves, SINSINA Holding remains at the forefront of integrating advanced technologies into its manufacturing processes.

In an exclusive interview with OGN energy magazine, Anas Babu, COO of SINSINA Holding, explores the strategic considerations behind adopting new technologies, focusing on factors such as environmental impact, market demand, and technological compatibility.

SINSINA Holding's approach highlights a commitment to sustainability and alignment with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, aiming to reduce carbon footprints and support long-term strategic goals.

Below are excerpts from the interview:

As you expand your product portfolio, what are the key considerations in selecting new technologies to integrate into your manufacturing processes?

Several key factors must be considered, including environmental impact, market demand, cultural fit, technological compatibility, and innovation. The technology should advance sustainability goals, aligning with Vision 2030’s focus on reducing carbon footprints and promoting green technologies. Additionally, it should be future-proof and consistent with the Kingdom’s long-term strategic vision.

How has SINSINA Holding adapted its manufacturing processes to meet the demands of Saudi Aramco’s long-term agreements?

SINSINA Holding has embraced cutting-edge, technology-driven solutions that significantly enhance our manufacturing capabilities while localising production and reducing reliance on imports. Our advancements include modular skid components and sophisticated steel fabrication processes, such as multi-torch cladding. We design and fabricate pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and complex equipment to meet the demanding and intricate needs of the oil and gas sector. Our commitment is to deliver products of the highest quality, consistently exceeding client expectations.

Can you elaborate on the specific benefits and challenges of adopting ConXtech technology in modular construction for the oil and gas sector?

The benefits of implementing ConXtech technology are clear and compelling. It enables faster assembly of structures, which significantly shortens construction timelines. The system's standardised components can be pre-fabricated off-site and assembled on-site, reducing downtime and expediting project completion. However, adopting ConXtech technology does present some challenges, including high upfront costs, issues related to equipment transportation and assembly, and the need for integration with traditional construction methods.

With your focus on modular solutions, what opportunities do you see for further collaboration with other major industries beyond oil and gas, such as renewable energy or construction?

SINSINA has the potential to transform industries beyond oil and gas. We are actively exploring partnerships with Sabic, Maaden, and sectors such as renewable energy, construction, healthcare, and emergency response. By leveraging modular solutions, these industries can enhance maintenance, efficiency, and sustainability. Our collaborations aim to develop versatile, scalable, and environmentally friendly infrastructure that benefits a wide range of sectors.

How would you incorporate and market ConXtech in new international markets where structural steel assembly projects are prominent?

Integrating modular components with existing traditional structures can be challenging, especially if the original construction was not designed with modular expansion in mind. This can limit the applicability of ConXtech technology in certain expansion projects. However, a strategic approach that highlights the unique benefits of the technology while addressing the specific needs and challenges of these markets can overcome these obstacles.

What strategic advantages has the acquisition of MIS Arabia provided for SINSINA Holding’s expansion in the oil and gas modular packages market?

The acquisition of MIS Arabia has significantly bolstered SINSINA Holding’s expansion in the oil and gas modular packages market. It has enabled us to supply process equipment to major players like Saudi Aramco and Sabic. By enhancing MIS's production capacity through the introduction of new machinery and skilled personnel, we have strengthened our market position. This acquisition allows us to better meet the complex and precise equipment demands of the market, reinforcing our competitive edge.

How does SINSINA Holding plan to leverage its new technologies, such as pipeline corrosion monitoring and zero-flare solutions, to enhance its market position in Saudi Arabia?

Corrosion monitoring systems play a vital role in protecting pipeline and plant infrastructure. Both online and offline corrosion monitoring help optimise the injection of corrosion inhibitors, leading to reduced operational costs.

Early detection of increased corrosion rates allows operations teams to identify root causes, enhancing efficiency and minimising downtime.

Over the years, oil companies have invested significantly in corrosion monitoring systems to protect their assets. As global pipeline and plant infrastructure ages, the need for reliable and effective corrosion monitoring systems becomes even more critical.

In addition, smokeless flare technology is becoming increasingly important in response to global and local pressures to reduce emissions. This technology enables our clients to meet or exceed environmental regulations and carbon reduction goals set by Saudi Arabia, positioning them as leaders in sustainability.

SINSINA is introducing zero-flare technology in collaboration with a technical partner. How would you lead the successful introduction of this technology in a new market, especially where it is being introduced for the first time?

A comprehensive and detailed plan is being prepared to introduce our smokeless flare technology effectively. This plan includes initiatives such as understanding the local market and regulatory landscape, building strong relationships with key stakeholders, leveraging the expertise of technical partners, showcasing economic and environmental benefits, and case studies.

SINSINA Holding is working with a technology partner, who will be announced in 2024.

Considering your rapid growth in revenue and workforce, what are your future plans for capacity expansion and product diversification within the Saudi manufacturing sector?

A calculated methodology is being developed to drive capacity expansion and product diversification within the Saudi manufacturing sector. This involves conducting comprehensive market research to identify emerging trends, demands, and gaps in the industry. We will gather insights from current and potential customers to understand their evolving needs and preferences.

SINSINA is planning to expand its growth into diverse manufacturing sectors for commercial products, with ongoing market assessments guiding this effort. Additionally, we are exploring expansion opportunities in the Ras Khair and Spark industrial zones.

Can you discuss the role of in-kingdom total value add (iktva) in shaping SINSINA Holding’s strategy and operations, particularly in relation to local content policies?

The In-Kingdom Total Value Add (IKTVA) initiative is a strategic effort aimed at boosting local content and the economic contribution of companies operating within the Kingdom. SINSINA is committed to sourcing materials and services locally, which fosters the development of local suppliers and industries. We are also dedicated to hiring and training local employees, thereby enhancing skill development and reducing unemployment.

Our research and development efforts are tailored to meet local requirements, and we focus on adapting technologies to fit local conditions. To further increase our iktva ratio, we are actively building and expanding manufacturing units for new products within SINSINA.

SINSINA aims to support the local market and reduce reliance on imports. How would you implement a strategy to localise the supply chain in international markets, ensuring sustainability and minimising dependencies?

To date, we have developed three major commodities locally to enhance in-Kingdom value. We are actively engaging with multiple international companies through seminars and one-on-one meetings to explain the iktva initiative and its core benefits. Many of these companies were previously unaware of its advantages.

Additionally, we have established a joint venture with a Chinese company to set up a forging facility in Saudi Arabia by 2025, ensuring compliance with iktva requirements.

RocClad aims to enhance local content through its overlay technology in Saudi Arabia. Could you explain how this initiative aligns with the 'Made in Saudi' initiative, and what specific measures RocClad is implementing to ensure meaningful local participation and skill development in its operations?

The joint venture with RocClad is the motivation of iktva and Vision 2030. Through the Made in Saudi initiative, we are focusing on promoting products manufactured within Saudi Arabia by introducing new companies to the local market. RocClad is one of the products that addresses a key need in the Saudi market. Our plan includes hiring Saudi nationals for various roles within RocClad and implementing comprehensive training programmes to enhance local skills, including technical training and leadership development.

How does SINSINA Holding envision contributing to Saudi Arabia’s sustainability goals through its manufacturing innovations and technologies?

By integrating various strategies, SINSINA can significantly contribute to Saudi Arabia's sustainability goals, supporting economic diversification, environmental protection, and social development. Key initiatives include reducing material waste through additive manufacturing processes, optimising production techniques, and implementing technologies to lower greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing.

What are the primary challenges you face in maintaining the quality and volume of production while meeting Saudi Aramco’s stringent performance indicators?

Maintaining the high standards of Saudi Aramco projects while balancing quality and production quantity has always been challenging. We have addressed this by providing comprehensive training and raising awareness among our shop floor employees. By implementing sustainable practices without compromising efficiency or product standards, we ensure the delivery of consistently high-quality products.

Given SINSINA’s collaboration with industry majors in Saudi Arabia, how would you approach forming strategic partnerships with key players in the international markets to strengthen the company’s global presence?

Our marketing department conducts thorough market research to identify potential international partners, focusing on companies with a strong market presence, complementary strengths, and a solid reputation. We think now is the time to present SINSINA Saudi Arabia and showcase our products and projects on a global stage, especially by participating in major oil and gas conferences, such as Adipec and OTC each year.

Considering the company’s experience with major clients like Aramco and SABIC, how would you strategically position SINSINA Holding against competitors in the targeted international markets?

SINSINA has already established a presence in the GCC and is registered with all major oil and gas companies. We are actively engaged in targeted marketing campaigns to raise awareness and build a strong brand presence in international markets. Additionally, we implement cost-effective manufacturing processes and technologies to provide competitive pricing while maintaining high quality.

By Abdulaziz Khattak

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