To remedy the shift handover pains, companies across the world utilise j5 Shift Handover, which is used by many large organizations to improve shift to shift communication and to reduce the risk of any potential hazardous incidents
Poor Shift Handover processes have caused catastrophic incidents, creating an important requirement for more efficient, consistent and detailed data at this crucial point of day-to-day operations, says Khaja Mukarramuddin, Operations Manager, Atheeb Intergraph Saudi Company (AISC).
Unfortunately, there are still inadequate, time consuming tools being used during the Shift Handover process, which increase organizational risk and inefficiencies, such as paper spreadsheets, word processor documents, scattered databases, email, whiteboards, inconsistent verbal meetings, phone calls /radio, text/instant messages and multiple MES applications.
Often a combination of the above tools is used at Shift Handover, adding even more confusion and black holes of data to the process. Unfortunately, these information gaps – which can appear during a poor Shift Handover process – have resulted with disastrous consequences, Mukarramuddin notes.
To remedy these pains, companies across the world utilize j5 Shift Handover, which is used by many large multinational organizations to improve shift to shift communication and to reduce the risk of any potential hazardous incidents.
The j5 solution also meets the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Shift Handover recommendations. j5 Shift Handover users have reported benefits including easy to use, consistent shift handover, reduces human error, wide visibility of shift data, eliminates paper, spreadsheets and scattered databases saves time, improves accuracy, advanced workflow capabilities, fast search and filtering, integration with other industrial systems and integration with other j5 applications. j5 is a powerful Operations Management Platform that empowers people to manage and adapt evolving industrial processes, he asserts.
Safety: Users now get reliable, validated site information which is key for them to maintain compliance and ensure the safety of workers and the general public.
Production: Users now know exactly how well operations have responded to their targets, and if not why not. With the real-time information and operations logs, users are fully informed to define the next day’s operations.
Control Room: Users now have rich real-time info in their Shift Handovers, in their target management, in procedures like start-ups, in permits etc. Not having this data would seriously impact efficiency, production and safety. Engineering and IT: Using a single, intuitive spreadsheet-like tool, users can control every aspect (content, calculations, workflow, communications, presentation etc.) in every worksheet across the organisation.
Management: Making informed strategic decisions requires validated data from a huge number of sources presented in a way that users can easily understand. Users can also easily distribute instructions and make sure they are carried out correctly.
Field Operators: Users are now connected to the rest of the team via their mobile and they no longer have to get back to the control room to find out what is going on.