A pressure vessel manufactured by Sinsina

SINSINA Group, a leader in engineering integrated packaged solutions for oil, gas, power and petrochemical applications, is one of a handful of approved Saudi integrators of wellsite and plant modular packages.

With the use of internal resources, SINSINA Group provides comprehensive industrial solutions for all project stages, including FEED, detailed engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction, pre-commissioning, and commissioning/start-up.

An electrical and instrumentation skid ... one of a wide range of
Sinsina's product lines

From its state-of-the-art facilities, and possessing a diverse range of products, timely delivery, and an experienced team, the group has have taken on projects with industry majors like Aramco, SABIC, Maaden, Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), and others.

SINSINA Group has four facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at Jubail City with a total area of approximately 185,000 sq m, offering a wide range of product lines and services, including modular skids, modular structures, vessels, columns, reactors, shop and site fabricated tanks, heat exchangers, flare stacks and special steel structures.

SINSINA also owns a new technology called ConXtech that will revolutionise modular structures and structural steel assembly projects.

This technology combines high-tech fabrication tools with BIM (Building Information Modeling) to make building design and construction up to 12 storeys faster, safer, and with less waste.

Through its diverse product line, SINSINA strives to support the local market and reduce reliance on imports.

The group is collaborating with a technical partner to introduce Zero-Flare technology to the market for the first time in the Kingdom.

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